The first art museum of Tierra del Fuego
The collection features masterpieces by great artists, dating from the late 19th century to the present day
The collection was born around 1975 with the purchase of the first two works – an etching by Quinquela Martín and an oil painting by Osvaldo Imperiale. From that moment on, and up to 2000, when the creation of the museum became an objective, the collection grew on the basis of a selection of topics related to the art of navigation, maritime ethnography, adding relevant Argentine marine art works with new acquisitions and donations.
The opening of this museum is a significant contribution to culture in Ushuaia in particular, and Tierra del Fuego in general, as this is the only province in the country still lacking its own fine arts museum encom-passing the whole of Argentine art and, in this sense, this collection is expected to provide a basis for such a purpose.
Thus, the Marine Art Museum Ushuaia intends to fulfill, in the first place, the specific and peculiar objectives of any museum – showing, educating, preserving and researching on works of arts and artists that make up its cultural heritage and, secondly, attempting to contribute with the spreading of art in Ushuaia with an emphasis on works by local artists.
the exhibit
The exhibit is made up of a selection of some of the most relevant works belonging to the collection. This aims at showing a balanced overview of the development of marine art in Argentina from 1889 to the present.
The marine theme is the center of this exhibition, which includes works of artists traditionally known as marinists, works of other artists who mainly depict ports and some other works by artists who, at some point, worked on water or fishing topics.
Water is the link relating these artists, as well as other topics relevant such as ports, fishing, vessels and port orks and their characters, among others.